Rest and Restore Protocol
The Rest and Restore Protocol is a brand new offering for containing and regulating nervous system dysfunction. It is a research-based listening intervention that impacts BOTH branches of vagus nerve functioning. The RRP is the result of a collaboration between Dr. Stephen Porges and Anthony Gorry, to build on the Social Engagement success of the Safe and Sound Protocol, using more advance sound engineering technologies patented by Sonocea. From the original SSP roots with children struggling to accomplish development, to the present day flowering of applications with trauma, chronic & complex medical conditions, aging, burnout, mental illness and general difficulty managing the pressure and rhythms of life, the RRP Spring Prelude is the first of what we hope will be many versions of these healing wavelengths.
The Protocol
How it Works
The Protocol is delivered via a phone app that plays specially filtered vocal music. Over the ear headphones are recommended, but earbuds or a good speaker will also work. Five hours total of listening occurs over the course of days or weeks, depending on how your body responds. The musical theme repeats throughout, with each track being progressively lower an slower. The listener can become deeply relaxed, with slowing heart rate, better breath regulation and relaxation of tight muscles. This calming of the nervous system allows time for the body to regulate the rhythms of organs, reduce demands on physiology and reorganize the way that activation and socialization occur.
What to expect while you are listening to the Protocol
The experiences you may have while taking the the RRP can range from mild to more extensive. Many systems of the body may be affected. Depending on the degree of existing challenge present in each individual system (how healthy or stressed are you?), changes in the autonomic nervous system while listening to the RRP can impact experience and functioning short-term (typically up to 2 weeks). Most often this involves deeper sleep and vivid dreams, increased ringing in the ears, and irriation. We work closely with you, encouraging careful noticing and discussion so that I can modify your listening experience and keep it comfortable.
Movement support
Change resulting from the Protocol includes a window of opportunity during which intensive integrative work can occur. When the nervous system is assisted to regulate out of stress states entire areas of the brain and body become available for change. Have you ever noticed how rigid your dog is when alerting to something?
“Constant on” is increasingly required in the way that we live, and causes illness to develop. It is also an uncomfortable sensation to be unable to fully relax, affecting our most basic functions such as breathing and sleep. As your body changes, it is helpful to use gentle movements and practices to help your body adjust to the changes. Our work together will be part of identifying how small practices can help keep your journey comfortable.
How to get the Protocol
If you are interested in taking the protocol yourself, or referring a family member or patient, please explore the resources here and feel free to contact me via email or phone with questions. Once you have determined that you would like to take the protocol, we will meet for an assessment to determine what your support needs might be during and after the protocol. You are invited to utilize unlimited messaging during your time with the Protocol without charge. During the time that you are taking the protocol I will check in regularly to track your progress and titrate the delivery as needed.
In Depth
To learn more, visit these posts from my blog.
Explaining the Safe and Sound Protocol: Polyvagal Theory for Gearheads
Ear, sinus, and balance symptoms related to Safe and Sound Protocol use
The Safe and Sound Protocol: Notes on hearing and the felt sense
For more videos about the SSP and vagal stimulation